
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Happy Family

Well, it is official....we are adding one more to our happy little family.  Still kind of hard to believe.  I do believe it, however, when I am starving at all hours of the night and day and I'm so tired from growing a person, that I want to sleep for days=o)  We are excited, though, tired and all!  My little A, is a bit confused, though.  When I told her that mommy had a baby in her tummy, she looked at me quizzically, pulled up my shirt, tugged on my belly button, seeminly searching for something, and said, "I can't find him, mommy!!!!   The baby, I can't find him in the belly button!"  Hilarious!!!  I know that she is going to be the world's best big sister!  No question!  Now, there will be some adjustments to living life without the reigning title of queen.  But this too shall pass!


  1. I got to hold a baby today!!!! I am practicing my coordination!!!!

  2. congratulations.. everything you are explaining sounds like me.. i too am expecting baby #4 and boy am i tired....ALL THE TIME..... my 2 1/2 year old son does the same thing with my belly... my 5 and 6 year old daughters partially understand.. minus the graphics LOL... looking forward to following your blog.. check mine out too if you want :)
