
Saturday, October 3, 2009

Only Me

Well, I don't even know how to talk about this without sounding like either an idiot or completely naive.  Now I prefer not to think of myself as either of these things.  Maybe impetuous, or believing in the best in people...much better ring to them, don't you think?  However, idiot probably covers the following senerio best.  So I have this two year old, A.  Well, A being the vibrant bundle of fun she is, choses not to sleep through the night...yes, still.  Don't judge....reserve your judgement, there will be plenty of time for that shortly.  Since A doesn't sleep, I don't sleep (because of course my husband doesn't even have a clue that she is ever standing at the foot of our bed crying)  Where was I?  Oh yes, I don't sleep.  After a few of these nights in a row this last week, I am very tired and I have a splitting headache, and of course I have to go to work.  Not all bad.  I get to talk to adults (or at least people who technically have reached the age where according to the law, they can smoke, drink and run off and kill people with guns, therefore recieving the "adult label".  Anyways, so I'm talking to "adults" and my head is pounding.  Not the kind of pounding that you can think happy thoughts and forget about.  The kind where you want to shoot yourself in the foot just to transfer the pain (and maybe shoot the oversized six year old boy mascarading as a college student just for being annoying....lessens the pain to laugh at someone else).  So, you get the point, I'm in pain.  This girl we'll call S says that she has Excedrin Migraine.  Angels sing, light shines down from heaven....RELIEF!!!!!  Now, S tends to be a bit on edge, all the time!!!  I'm talking like running in circle at a speed that should really leave her dizzy.  Do I consider any of this before I happily accept these wonderful little pills that will soon easy the hammering in my head.....NOPE!  I take them....with a Monster energy drink, no less.  Long story short (ok,not short, less long), I took these "Excedrin" at 5:30pm last night.  It is currently 8:30pm tonight.....STILL FREAKING AWAKE!!!!  Yep, have not slept.  Not even snoozed.  So what does that make me?  Besides an idiot?  Pissed, that's what it makes me!  I have been over the fateful exchange over and over in my mind, as when you are this tired, you just think in circles anyways.  I know Skitzy S takes these diet pills that rival a crack and ephedra induced twitch.  I am choosing to believe that this is what I took.  Now if I were going to really think about this, I would start freaking out because everyone at my work does drugs.  Ah the joys of a college town.  Yeppers, and apparently, thank to my dear husband, who is much less stupid than I am (the chances of him taking some cracky's word for what pill she was giving him is about as likely as his ever waking up with A during the night....and yes I am bitter), I learn that Ritalen is the study drug of choice, which is, of course, speed. (nice to know what we are drugging our kids up with huh?  I'll save that soap box for another day)  So there you have it, small town living, church going, non swearing, speed limit driving, bed time story reading mommy has been up for 39 hours, more than likely hopped up on speed.  While I am furious (I have really come to rely on my 5 hrs of sleep a night), if I find out that these little babies are legal over the counter kind of pep, I am officially buying stock in them and taking them with my morning coffee.....see I told you that there would be plenty to judge.  Aren't you glad you save it for the good stuff =o)

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