
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Not a Good Sign

Ok, so seriously, I think that I should  be worried.  My little "angel" A is, well, how should I say this (without sounding like I should be thrown under the bad mommy bus)?  Well, she is high spirited and independent, and, um, ok, stubborn.  And I don't mean stubborn as in, "I don't want to pick up my blocks, mommy" and after a few stern threats, she just gives in.  I'm talking, like a gigantic pain in the butt kind of know, the kind that makes you want to sell her to the gypsies and use the money buy, oh I don't know, a really big drink and probably a straight jacket.  (you see, I deserve to be thrown under the bad mommy bus....go ahead, admit it)  Anyways, where was I?  Oh yeah, big pain in the butt.  A likes to push me right to the edge of insanity by adamently refusing to do something, reguardless of punishment, threats, sweet talk, even bribary.  No, no no, she would rather sit crying for an hour than give you the satisfaction of seeing her do what you have told her to do, a minute before she WANTS to do it.  Now, the way I see it is, this behavior could be one of two things(well, I'm sure it could be more, but I am choosing not to dig any deeper right now, in the name of saving sanity).  Senario One:  A continues on this little pathway to extreme abhorance to rules and authority, and choses a life of anarchy, complete with black eyeliner, black fingernail polish and refusal to smile (oh yeah, and blasting  music by people who did not get hugged enough as children).  Yikes!
Senario Two:  A continues to be extremely stubborn, but learns to harness this and channels it into striving for independence (except, of course from her mother whom she always wants advice from) and becomes a fierce, strong, dedicated, driven woman who will one day rule the world.
I do realize that this is all crazy talk, but, as I have said before, this is my own little therapy session, therefore, I am allowed a little bit of crazy (especially since I am dealing with affore mentioned toddler).

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